bm in music performance

The Bachelor of Music in Music Performance is a degree designed for students who aspire to become a professional performer, studio teacher, or college professor. Students in this degree must desire to spend a significant amount of time on individual practice and performance. With a strong foundation in music theory, music history, and performance, graduates will be well-prepared to continue studies at the graduate level. 

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a. Liberal Arts Core (33 hours):

  • COE 102 (College Orientation Experience)

  • ENG 101 (Expository Writing)

  • ENG 111 (Writing about Literature)

  • ENG 201 (Western Literature and the Arts I)

  • ENG 202 (Western Literature and the Arts II)

  • 6 hours from REL 111 (Understanding the Old Testament), 112 (Understanding the New Testament), 113 (Christian Worldview)

  • 3 hours numbered MTH 111 (College Algebra) or higher

  • 4 hours from BIO, CHE, PHY, or SCI lecture and lab numbered 100/100L or higher

  • 6 hours from HIS 200 level or higher

B. PROGRAM CORE (14 hours):

  • HEA 201 (Personal Health)

  • 1 hour of PED Activity

  • COE 401 (Career Opportunity Experience)

  • SOC 111 (Principles of Sociology) or SAT 110 (Public Speaking and Communication) or SAT 201 (Acting) or PHI 211 (Introduction to Philosophy)

  • PSY 111 (Introduction to Psychology)

  • 3 hours from: ART 213 (History of the Visual Arts I), 214 (History of the Visual Arts II), 215 (Art Appreciation); MUS 331 (Popular Music History); SAT 110 (Public Speaking and Communication), 201 (Acting)

C1. Music Performance (vocal) Major (72 Hours):

  • 8 semesters of MUS 010 (Recital Hour)

  • MUS 102 (Singers’ Diction)

  • MUS 121 (Music Theory I)

  • MUS 121L (Music Theory I Lab)

  • MUS 122 (Music Theory II)

  • MUS 122L (Music Theory II Lab)

  • MUS 201 (Music Appreciation)

  • MUS 221 (Music Theory III)

  • MUS 221L (Music Theory III Lab)

  • MUS 222 (Music Theory IV)

  • MUS 235 (Survey of Music Literature)

  • MUS 301 (Music History I)

  • MUS 302 (Music History II)

  • MUS 304b (Conducting)

  • MUS 305b (Advanced Conducting)

  • MUS 327 (Form and Analysis)

  • MUS 347b (Choral Music Methods)

  • MUS 380 (Junior Recital)

  • MUS 435 (Pedagogy)

  • MUS 480 (Senior Recital)

  • Ensembles totaling eight (8) hours

  • 16 hours applied voice (1 credit may be class voice)

  • 4 hours from applied piano and/or class piano

C2. Music Performance (Instrumental) Major (68 Hours):

  • 8 semesters of MUS 010 (Recital Hour)

  • MUS 121 (Music Theory I)

  • MUS 121L (Music Theory I Lab)

  • MUS 122 (Music Theory II)

  • MUS 122L (Music Theory II Lab)

  • MUS 201 (Music Appreciation)

  • MUS 221 (Music Theory III)

  • MUS 221L (Music Theory III Lab)

  • MUS 222 (Music Theory IV)

  • MUS 235 (Survey of Music Literature)

  • MUS 301 (Music History I)

  • MUS 302 (Music History II)

  • MUS 304b (Conducting)

  • MUS 305b (Advanced Conducting)

  • MUS 327 (Form and Analysis)

  • MUS 348b (Instrumental Music Methods)

  • MUS 380 (Junior Recital)

  • MUS 480 (Senior Recital)

  • Ensembles totaling eight (8) hours

  • 16 hours in one applied music area

  • 4 hours from applied piano and/or class piano

  • 2 hours secondary applied area


  • 8 semesters of MUS 010 (Recital Hour)

  • MUS 121 (Music Theory I)

  • MUS 121L (Music Theory I Lab)

  • MUS 122 (Music Theory II)

  • MUS 122L (Music Theory II Lab)

  • MUS 201 (Music Appreciation)

  • MUS 221 (Music Theory III)

  • MUS 221L (Music Theory III Lab)

  • MUS 222 (Music Theory IV)

  • MUS 235 (Survey of Music Literature)

  • MUS 301 (Music History I)

  • MUS 302 (Music History II)

  • MUS 304b (Conducting)

  • MUS 305b (Advanced Conducting)

  • MUS 327 (Form and Analysis)

  • MUS 348b (Instrumental Music Methods)

  • MUS 380 (Junior Recital)

  • MUS 430 (Special Studies in Music)

  • MUS 435 (Pedagogy)

  • MUS 480 (Senior Recital)

  • Ensembles totaling eight (8) hours

  • 16 hours in one applied music area

  • 2 hours secondary applied area



*All music performance majors are required to pass a piano proficiency examination or enroll in applied piano until the examination is passed.

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