bs in music business

The Bachelor of Science in Music Business is a degree designed for students who wish to explore all business aspects of the music industry.  Our goal is to provide practical learning experiences that help our students thrive in today's music industry.  Students will work closely with experienced faculty and will learn all aspects of the music business through lectures, projects, and hands-on experience.



a. Liberal Arts Core (33 hours):

  • COE 102 (College Orientation Experience)

  • ENG 100 (Introduction to College Writing) or 101 (Expository Writing)

  • ENG 111 (Writing about Literature)

  • ENG 201 (Western Literature and the Arts I)

  • ENG 202 (Western Literature and the Arts II)

  • 6 hours from REL 111 or PHI

  • 3 hours numbered MTH 111 (College Algebra) or higher

  • 4 hours from BIO, CHE, PHY, or SCI lecture and lab numbered 100/100L or higher

  • 6 hours from HIS 200 level or higher

B. Program Core (30 Hours):

  • 3 hours from: BUS 111 (Introduction to Business) or any SOC, PSY, or HUS

  • HEA 201 (Personal Health)

  • 3 hours from ART; MUS 201

  • 1 hour of PED Activity

  • ACT 201 (Principles of Accounting I)

  • ACT 202 (Principles of Accounting II)

  • ACT 203 (Integrated Accounting Software)

  • CIS 255 (Microcomputer Applications)

  • ECO 211 (Principles of Macroeconomics)

  • ECO 212(Principles of Macroeconomics)

  • SAT 110 (Public Speaking)

  • COE 401 (Career Opportunity Experience)

C. Music Business Emphasis (51-52 Hours):

  • BUS 301 (Principles of Management)

  • BUS 302 (Principles of Marketing)

  • BUS 307 (Management Information Systems)

  • BUS 317 (Organizational Behavior)

  • BUS 412 (Human Resource Management)

  • 6 semesters of MUS 010 (Recital Hour)

  • MUS 101 (Music Fundamentals)

  • MUS 121 (Music Theory I)

  • MUS 121L (Music Theory I Lab)

  • MUS 122 (Music Theory II)

  • MUS 122L (Music Theory II Lab)

  • MUS 238 (Survey of the Music Industry)

  • MUS 242b (Live Sound Engineering) or MUS 270a (Technology for the Music Classroom)

  • MUS 261 (Introduction to Music Production)

  • MUS 330 (Music Publishing)

  • MUS 331 (Popular Music History)

  • MUS 332 (Touring and Merchandising)

  • MUS 440 (Music Industry Law)

  • MUS 460 (3 hours) (Internship)

  • MUS 497b (Senior Capstone Project)

D. Minor Not Required

e. elective courses

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